Coronavirus continues to have a major impact on the way we live and work. For those of us who are still working in some capacity from home, here are some useful tips that may make the shift easier and simpler, enabling you to be productive:
- Location
- Step outside
- Structure your day
- Take a break
- Become familiar with technology
- Have a rest
- When to distract
Choose a location in your house that meets your own needs in terms of space, layout, amenities and light. Make this your work designated work space. Choose a desk, table and comfortable chair and use support to get the height and elevations of your screen and keypad right.
Potentially consider use of a sperate standing desk which will help alleviate any lower back pain, allowing you to hold a strong posture and encouraging good blood flow.
Use the outdoor space if possible and walk if you are able to do so. It’s really important to move around, take fresh air and not feel restricted by your home.
Build your day around break times as you would do in a more typical working environment. Pause for coffee breaks and lunch, making sure you have the right foods stocked up combining brain and energy foods.
Make a list and base your actions on achieving your goals rather than fulfilling a set number of hours.
If you feel like you want to take a break, do so - chat with friends and family. Don’t try and force yourself to be continually productive and know that a distraction and light relief is welcome and will enhance productivity rather than distract you negatively.
Now more than ever is the time to become familiar with technology. Start to explore different types of apps and platforms that will allow you to work and communicate from home effectively.
Use your laptop, phone and tablet for different purposes. For example use your laptop for word docs etc but use your tablet for video conferencing – work out what’s best for you.
Tap into to programmes such as Zoom for Video conferencing, Slack for chatting and Google Hangout. Whilst all of these programmes will undoubtedly help whilst you’re working from home, they’re all tools that you can take back into the workplace.
Any time that you spend commuting should now be spent resting if possible. Switch off and think and reflect around none work related matters. Use this time in a positive way.
Understand and recognise how, when and why you are distracted. Use tools such as noise blocking headphones to drown out any sound. Alternatively, set yourself times when you are ready for a break and want some distractions from work.
Working from home is radically different from working in an office environment but offers multiple benefits, the most notable being incredible flexibility. Consider and use the above ideas, adapt them to suit and make the experience work for you.