The latest online property auction from Smith and Sons attracted good pre-auction interest with fierce bidding for several lots, some reaching almost double the anticipated guide price.This resulted in overall sales figures approaching £1.8 million with 70% of lots sold. Star lots included a former care home on Vyner Road South, guided at £250,000, sold for £472,000, a barn needing refurbishment in Storeton guided at £200-220,000 sold for £371,000 whilst garages and storage land at Mona Street in Birkenhead offered at a guide of £30-40,000 sold for £101,000.
Chris Johnson, Auctioneer at Smith and Sons commented: “Once again, we’ve produced a strong set of results for clients and buyers alike. We sold a good percentage of property on the day and several lots far exceeded all expectation in terms of final figures.
“The online platform is proving attractive to buyers who are able to place bids 24 hours in advance of the virtual auction and continue to bid in the comfort of their chosen space, away from the traditional auction room environment. The process is incredibly simple and can be accessed via any online device. For those needing help with this format, we are also able to accept phone and proxy bids.”
Chris added: “We are already accepting entries into our February auction where we expect to see the levels of interest intensify as more and more buyers look to property as a sound investment in a very buoyant market.”
Further details for the next property auction in February can be found at www.smithandsons.net or for a free appraisal and to discuss the auction process, contact Annette the Auction Manager on aas@smithandsons.net