The residential management arm of Smith and Sons continues to grow from strength to strength, adding yet another large multi-unit housing development to its growing portfolio.
Landlords at Kings Court, a large 16 apartment two and three bed block, in Oxton, Wirral, have handed over management responsibility to the team at Smith and Sons.
Upon handover from a previous agent, the Smiths team will be undertaking external and internal decoration and have already completed major tree work and garden improvements, as well as the introduction of new emergency lighting and a fire alarm system.
The popular, bright and spacious apartments are all fully occupied and benefit from large open and attractive communal spaces.
Smith and Sons are now delivering a fully managed service to the residents of Kings Court.
Ryan Evans of Smith and Sons commented: “Once again, we have been recognised as the company of choice for landlords operating large multi-unit developments in the northwest. This is an area of the market in which we have vast experience and we are keen to work with more landlords requiring our specialist expert services.”
For further information on residential management including the management of full blocks of apartments and service charges, contact Ryan Evans on 0151 647 9272 or via rpe@smithandsons.net