Posted on 01/12/2015 in News
Cutting edge light industrial accommodation, The Lightbox, is now complete offering a new concept in commercial space for Wirral businesses. Smith and Sons has been appointed to let the development which would be…
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Posted on 13/11/2015 in News
Smith and Sons has celebrated its very special 175th birthday with a classical evening out at the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.A guest list of 60 friends and associates of the historic firm joined the team at the…
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Posted on 29/10/2015 in News
Leading Wirral businesses, Smith and Sons, McEwan Wallace and Hillyer McKeown, have joined forces in support of Wirral’s Birkenhead Improvement District (BID) programme. The BID is a scheme where businesses within a…
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Posted on 21/10/2015 in News
Encouraging new businesses to consider Birkenhead as an area for relocation is critical to the future commercial success of the town centre. Suggested improvements via the BID will focus on four key themes that together…
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Posted on 16/10/2015 in News
Smith and Sons are Backing the Birkenhead BID! Click here to find out more about the initiative and discover how together we can breathe new life into our town centre...
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